Saturday, October 3, 2009

Embodiment 1: about design

Naoto Fukasawa moved many Taiwanese students in his design. He pushes the characteristic in his product, but also preserves the element of natural environment to his design. These things naturally fit to artifacts in our everyday life. He offers simple form by observing the people acting physical manifestation in the world. They all be affected by representation of environment, as he puts it: ‘design dissolves in behavior.‘

Also, Paul Dourish[1] has the same way to think about how people embody in the real world. He pays attention not just to physical presence, but also social acting motivating. Some research tend to improve manipulating in computer, while, others prefer to concern how it forms a shared environment whose characteristics are thoroughly predictable. Most importantly, their shared understanding couldn’t split the individual from the world where that individual lives and acts. Instead of how to used objects as mapping digital information.

[1] Dourish, P. Where the action is: the foundations of embodied interaction. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001.

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