Sunday, February 22, 2009


“Knowledge makes everything simpler.” -John Maeda

John Maeda[1]簡單的法則(the laws of simplicity)第四條 - 知識使一切變的簡單。大體上提出三類型的設計方法:


前二者主要以認知科學的知識為主,最常被談及包括Affordance、語義(Semantics)、隱喻(Metaphor)等。然而第三者跳脫既有的認知概念,強調正向層面的驚喜感,代表作品有ipod、丹麥皇家B&Q音響(Bang and Olufsen)[1]。雖然這部份失去認知上的蛛絲馬跡,但賴以簡易操作與分享的學習經驗(不需專研說明書,只透過彼此分享獲得的學習,一次便懂),以致具有強烈的吸引力。

Maeda對以上設計方法都抱著極高的評價,他認為最成功的產品,是那些和學習或生活連結最深的東西[1]。不過,喜好自由形式作風的他(至少目前的作為),多少對目前大夥一股腦往認知科學一塊專研胃口盡失。在Bill Moggridge 著作〈Designing Interactions〉一段John Maeda訪談說道:

There was someone in the States who had proven that industrial design wasn’t working properly any more, and they have to do this new sort of cognitive science approach. I thought that a lot of people were headed down this very straight and narrow research-ish path and that is why things like Bang and Olufsen are indeed magic. They aren’t giving any specific affordances, but have a magical moment, and I don’t mind magical moments at all[2].


[1] John Maeda. “The Laws of Simplicity”. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. p. 33 - 43. 2006.
[2] Bill Moggridge.“Designing Interactions”. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. p. 620, 2007.


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